Master the Art of the 90s Makeup Tutorial: Achieving Flawless Vintage Looks


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on mastering the art of the 90s makeup tutorial. Over the past decade, we have seen the fashion and beauty industry’s endless nostalgia for the 90s, and it seems that this trend is here to stay. This era was all about thin brows, brown lips, and blue eyeshadows—an atypical yet captivating mixture of grunge and glamour.

I. Understanding the 90s Makeup Aesthetic

Before diving headfirst into the tutorial, we believe it’s essential for you to understand the core essence of the 90s makeup aesthetic. This era was marked by stark contrasts: either you went for a loud, punk-rock vibe or leaned towards minimalist, muted sophistication. Nevertheless, this distinctive touch maintained its iconic status and is touted as a reference point for many modern makeup trends.

II. Elements of the 90s Makeup Look

This section will review the critical elements of the 90s makeup look, allowing you to understand better how you can curate each component efficiently and effectively.

  • Thin Brows: The ‘Instagram brows’ we are accustomed to these days were no fashion during the 90s. Instead, pencil-thin brows with high arches dominated the decade.
  • Brown Lipstick: Whether it was matte or glossy, brown lipstick was an unquestionable staple of 90s makeup.
  • Dewy Skin: The decade favored a minimal, light, and dewy skin finish that gave off a naturally radiant look.
  • Blue Eyeshadow: The bold and electric blue eyeshadow, often combined with some hint of silver, was a significant characteristic of 90s makeup.

III. Gathering the Make-Up Essentials

Here is the list of makeup essentials required to recreate the 90s makeup look:

  1. Foundation
  2. Pressed Powder
  3. Bronzer
  4. Highlighter
  5. Blue and Silver Eyeshadows
  6. Black Eyeliner and Mascara
  7. Brow Pencil
  8. Brown Lipstick
  9. Lip Liner

IV. Mastering the 90s Makeup Look: A Step-by-Step Guide

At this point, you have your basic groundwork done, we can now dive into the actual 90s makeup tutorial. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough that will guide you to achieving a perfectly nostalgic makeup look:

Step 1: Start with a Well-Prepped Base

Step 2: Set with Pressed Powder

Step 3: Time for Bronzer & Highlighter

Step 4: Moving onto the Eyes

Step 5: Don’t Forget the Brows

Step 6: Finishing Off with the Lips

V. Tweaking the 90s Makeup Look for Modern Times

While the classic 90’s aesthetic remains irresistible, we understand the need to blend it with modern elements. Here, we’d provide insights on how to tweak your makeup while keeping the root of the 90’s intact.


When it comes to iconic beauty styles, the 90s undoubtedly have a prominent place. This extensive 90s makeup tutorial guides you step-by-step on mastering this aesthetic. The combination of edgy and understated glamour that this decade brought to the scene remains relevant even today. So go ahead, try these tips and advice, and let the 90s supermodel within you shine.

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